"Kom Tha Tor Tov Teat!" Op-Ed by Angkor Borei News

Anonymous said...

Ah Var Kim Hong! Ah Khbot Cheat!Ah mean Kbal sans Khour!
6:22 AM
Anonymous said...

To Mr.Ly Diep,Soth Poline and all khmer abroad How and what? Can we do to save khmer by report to international court?
Please explain,because we must help our mother land out of Hun Sen ,Sihakmony and Viet Nam's invader.
7:41 AM
Anonymous said...

Organize all our villagers at the border and form them into a militia to safeguard our border.Those people had been there all their lives and they knew exactly where our frontier are.Likewise ,in the UNITED STATES people organized themselve into a militia and called themselves MINUTEMEN to patrol the border or report something to the authority.

May be it can't be done in Cambodia,because the heads of the govt are; <<>>.

Anonymous said...

There is a need to keep such information for historical review. The next generation need to know the fact behind the scene.
8:38 AM
Anonymous said...

Members of Parliament of Cambodia follow correctly the order of the Vietnamese government to lift parliament immunity of the opposition leader.
9:30 AM
Anonymous said...

7:41 AM,
Trying to run from Youn, but you called Youn spy Ly Ngoc Diep to save Khmers? Idiot!!
If he stops writing this Youn spy will be shot by Hanoi secret agent in LB. He keeps playing two cards: one is for Khmers and one is not for Khmers. That's called dividing by Youn expansionism strategies.
9:37 AM
Ly Diep said...

Lok 7:41 AM,
I am very very scare and nervous in this moment !
So i CAN NOT stop writing. More coming !!!
Ly Diep
9:51 AM
Anonymous said...

All i've read so far Mr. LY Diep has done nothing wrong but AGAINST yuon and also SDACH sihanouk and he's justified so, after all yuon never like khmer and Sihanouk helped yuon to become one , but why people kept call him yuon's spy?. Are they mentally retard or their head need to be examined or what have they been smoking?.
9:58 AM
Ly Diep said...

Correction: Lok 9:37 AM
And also please give my address to those Hanoi Agents:
2034 E. Lincoln Ave. #214
Anaheim, CA 90806
Ly Diep
10:00 AM
Anonymous said...

Youn Ly Diep, Youn Svar Kim Hong are no good Youn. They play two cards: one against and one is for.
Youn Ly Diep born in Srok Youn and Youn Svar Kim Hong born in Cambodia, still no good Youn.
10:03 AM
Anonymous said...

your site is so good I always visit it everyday, you update so quick !
cheer !

and don't forget visit my site I just create my site too
if you could exchange link It would be great
and I will be happy to link your site.
Here is :

thanks you
10:10 AM
Ly Diep said...

Lok 10:03 AM,
So I don't have a choice, didn't I ?
I am happy to be one that against youn !
But don't forget to give my address to those Hanoi Agents:
2034 E. Lincoln Ave. #214
Anaheim, CA 92806.
Ly Diep
10:12 AM
Anonymous said...

Yep, send those Hanoi's agents over so that their brain will be blown off.
10:20 AM
Anonymous said...

Those who call Ly Diep "Yuon" hate him personally.
10:26 AM
Anonymous said...

"Ly Diep" is not Khmer name it is Youn name, and he is Youn. Most Khmer Krom idenfied him as Youn not Khmer Krom.
10:36 AM
Ly Diep said...

Lok 10:36 AM,
Please give me one Khmer Krom that say
I was not a Khmer Krom.
Ly Diep
10:41 AM
Anonymous said...

in fact,king sihanouk,hunsen cpp'smembers are Youn.if they're khmer's leader,why did'nt they help khmer farmer in Svay rieng,
10:42 AM
Ly Diep said...

Dear Lok 7:41 AM,
For the Khmer people in the USA and France, develop a petition to send to your congressmen and your senators by asking to reconvince the Paris Conference. For our people living in Cambodia, especially those living along the border of Khmer-Viet, please pull out all of the illegal demarcated poles and also stop voting for CPP.
Sorry for the late response.
Ly Diep
10:55 AM
Anonymous said...

You annoyed the hell out of me Mr LY DIEP.Don't be such Mr nice guy with those PUNK.Remmber appeasement will not work, only toe-to-tee will do.If they use pistol,you use AK-47 or machine gun to blast the fuck out of them.
11:00 AM
Anonymous said...

Go ahead Ly Diep I support your argument ,the border agreement under Youn occupied
Wasn’t fair for Khmer people
11:01 AM
Anonymous said...

Either you are this Viet Ly Diep or you are some one else. Just because this Viet Ly Diep writes something you like to hear does not mean he is Khmer or really loves Khmers. He is Youn, born in Srok Youn. Our Khmers are under his Youn government watchdog for 500 years, Youn love Khmers is no chance.
While his Youn governmnet put guns on the puppets in Cambodia to do as ask, Youn outside like Ly Diep pretends to preach love among Khmers. But the fact he is Youn and there are no good Youn, no matter how sweet they try to be.
Doubled games by Youn, and if Ly Diep doesn't write to softly touch your azz, you won't believe him.
Youn's expansionism strategies.
11:08 AM
Ly Diep said...

Lok 10:42 AM,
Please leave the other people alone.
Why take you so long to find one Khmer Krom
that say I was not a Khmer Krom ?
You said most of Khmer Krom, didn't you ?
Ly Diep
11:18 AM
Anonymous said...

11:08 AM is most fking dumb ass human being on this planet earth!


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